As promised, we're sharing our favorite holiday cocktail from our kitchen to yours. Tonight we're sipping on some Chambers Cheer and we're SO excited to share it with you. Easy to make, festive, and fun, this cocktail will quickly become your new party drink to sip on (and maybe even chug). Our favorite cocktails are always a little sweet, but not overpowering. With Prosecco, ginger ale, strawberries, vodka, and a sprinkle rim to add to the Christmas spirit, how could you not fall in love?
As most of California is on Stay at Home order right now, it's the perfect time get creative in the kitchen. We're both having so much fun creating new things and finding ways to make the most of whatever is thrown at us day by day. This recipe has been curated, altered, and perfected multiple times to offer the greatest Christmas cocktail we could come up with. Introducing, Chambers Cheer!
Chambers Cheer
1 bottle of Prosecco
2-3 cans of Ginger ale
A heavy splash of vodka
3 cups frozen Strawberries
Fresh strawberries
Optional: Sprinkle Mix to rim the glass
Get a large pitcher to mix your cocktail in. Add as much ice as you'd prefer.
Pour the whole bottle of Prosecco over the ice.
Pour your ginger ale in next.
Add a heavy splash of vodka for some extra cheer!
Next, pour in your frozen strawberries. These will also defrost in the drink and keep it cool throughout the night.
Give your pitcher a good mix.
Take each glass, dip the rim in simple syrup of any kind, and transfer to your sprinkle mix.
Muddle fresh strawberries at the bottom of each glass.
Pour your Chambers Cheer atop and enjoy!